Although I am totally not as cool as these girls who were the belles of the ball, I did make a polka dotted cake for a semi-formal event at our church last weekend.
This was my second attempt at making fondant, and it was disappointingly lumpy again. The polka dots were a nice mask, but I'm wondering, does anyone have any suggestions for fondant recipes or technique tips?
well aren't you super cute.
the more i look at my previous comment the more it looks like a snarky (beau's favorite word) remark. not intended.
also, that's kind of a grammatically weird phrase.
i'll change it to "you look super cute!"
I think the cake is really cute. I've never even attempted fondant, sorry no suggestions!
Glad you liked the mango sticky rice! :)
Stick w/ the fondant. It gets easier over time.
One thing I've found is to sift, sift, sift your powdered sugar. Several siftings (I use a mesh strainer) should leave you lump-free.
Also, if you can make it a day ahead of time, that will help, too.
Good luck! Looks great! :)
you are one step ahead of me, I didn't even know you could make fondant - I just thought you bought it. If I find anything regarding recipes or easy tips I'll send them your way. it looks great.
ha ha ha, real funny.
But seriously your cake was the BEST! And I love the picture, it's like you're holding it as a bouquet!
You did great! I should have to check out my sister in laws blog ( and see her cakes. She's amazing. I should ask her how she does her foundant....I think she uses marshmallow creme?
No tips on the fondant, but you look adorable. :)
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