is "moo." (Although he shocked us all tonight by repeating the phrase, "I do!" It was probably one of those fluke things, but it sure was cute.)
And he refuses to eat anything but spinach smoothies for breakfast. (This one has blueberries, hence the purple instead of green face.)
And he already figured out how to go down the stairs backwards. I remember trying (in vain) to teach another little boy to do that when he was more like 18 months old.
We are in good old VA this week spending some quality time with family while Rick spends 95% of his waking hours studying for the boards.
Carson is a lucky boy to have a great-grandma who can read him Curious George.
man that picture with great grandma is priceless. I always wish I could tell what the little ones are thinking. hope you have a great time in VA. good luck Rick!!
He's a cutie. Payson LOVES going down the stairs - I think he's still too young for that. :)
Aren't (great) grandmothers fabulous?
Good luck on your boards Rick!!
Carson looks so old in that picture with Gram! And good luck, Rick!!!!
Gracie's first "word" was a dog bark. :) I love how they attach to animals. Have fun you little globe trotter.
man that picture with great grandma is priceless. I always wish I could tell what the little ones are thinking. hope you have a great time in VA. good luck Rick!!
How funny, Brie loves to MOOOOO too :0)
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