Our three children sleeping on the airplane. Carson is the best travel buddy ever, thrilled to be on a plane the whole time, and napping when he's told to nap. Everett is the worst travel buddy ever, and he only slept for 10 minutes the entire journey.
The boys enjoyed sooo much attention from adoring cousins. And it was so nice to have helpers all the time! I actually really felt like I was on vacation!
I keep cracking up at Carson's faces in these bubble pictures, taken in front of the cabin in Island Park.
Going out on a boat ride was our first adventure. Carson loved being on the boat and watching daddy water ski. He still sometimes plays "Uncle Greg's boat" on our bed and likes it when I pretend to ski behind him driving the pretend boat.
Two good-looking boys.
Watching Rick.
What a pretty place.
Rick with sister Jeanel and Xander.
How funny that the ONLY 10 minutes Everett slept you got on camera! What a little stinker. Good thing Carson was so good on the plane!
Hi, Page! Just missing you and checking in to see what you're up to!
. . . and by the way, "A and J" stands for Ann and Jamin :)
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