C is for caterpillar.
Our big floor caterpillar. We also spread the numbers around the floor and played the game where the kids run to the number I call out.
Coloring pages. Clever Olive made a pattern with her caterpillar. Carson wasn't too happy about this, though, since my instructions were to color each circle a different color. He takes things pretty seriously sometimes.
This is what Everett does during pre school.
And this. (Runs up to the camera saying, "CHEESE!!")
Color matching puzzles.
Lacing card.
They worked together to put these numbers in order from 1 to 20.
Lucky for these kids, C is for Cookie. Although they did have to eat Carrots while they waited for the Cookies to bake.
Carson's clothespin caterpillar. He is just now understanding the pattern thing.
And finally, this is a different day, when Carson was doing these cute little Dick and Jane workbooks. He finally figured out how to hold the pencil the right way and is getting much better at tracing!
i love what you do with your kid. i have to do it with Dane. and congrats on your baby #3 too. yeah San antonio is a good place. think about it. school is really good and house is cheap, people are very nice. we really like it here... the only thing is very hot in the summer. let us know.
Gosh, when they FINALLY learn to hold their pencils and crayons right, it makes a WORLD of difference, huh!
Such cute ideas!
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