THIS is why I did the challenge. The pink skirt is Old Navy circa 2002. (BYU Freshman girlfriends, do I remember buying these together??) I never wear the skirt and never would have thought to pair it with more pink. But I kind of think it works! The cardigan is almost equally old, and the belt is a new-ish clearance item from the Loft. I think I can make lots more outfits out of my closet using this monochromatic theme. Yay!

I have lots of pictures like this. |
very cute. I love the pinks all together.
Thinks look great on you. I think that I might have to try an all pink outfit sometime soon.
Yay for pink! There's only been a couple pinks and I think it's so pretty. You look fantastic and I'm so glad it helped you use some of your older stuff!
Freckles in April
Cute outfit and I love the idea of trying something different each day. Somehow actually getting dressed and doing my hair and makeup in the morning seem to make some days go faster and better than when I stay in my sweats all day. Not all days, but some days. I was going to ask you when you go running or when you exercise. I'm trying really hard to incorporate regular exercise into my life again, but sometimes I struggle with when to do it with little ones. So I've been asking other moms who exercise consistently how they do it for ideas. Thanks! Glad to see your little family is happy and healthy. :)
suuuuuper cute!!
LOOOOOOOOVE the hair! And the outfit. ;) But I need you to style mine like that...I keep trying and after 2 hours I'm left with a frizzy, non-curled mess. :(
Ooh, I like this one!
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