While trying to recover from the past month of having various interruptions to our usual schedule (my family in town + babysitting + John staying with us last week), we have decided to adopt a rigid sleep schedule. We retire promptly at 10:30 p.m., even if it means leaving some dishes in the sink and dashing around the apartment at 10:25 to brush, floss, etc. We then rise at 6:00 a.m. (
ok, so Rick does. I usually follow his lead between 6 and 7, depending on whether or not I had to get up with the little man who sleeps next door.)
We've only been doing it for a couple of days, but it feels wonderful! Scripture study is done first thing. Rick is home for close to 3 hours in the morning, so he can be here with Carson while I leave to do laundry, rent a vacuum, grab bananas from the Creamery, etc. Yesterday I had the laundry finished and kitchen clean before 7:30!! Amazing!!
This also creates more time for things like blogging, exercise, and hobbies. (
That's right, two posts today!) And, of course, more time to dote on Carson and take pictures and videos which are probably redundant and boring to everyone except grandparents. The purpose of this post is actually to share the abundance of Carson's photographical memoirs.

Newly obtained grasping skills. Why do all babies love cell phones?

He still hates tummy time, although we're forcing it on him. This kid LOVES to stand. Here he's saying, "Let go, mom, I can do it!"

Rick has been wanting to put shoes on him for some time. Impractical, but cute!

Big smiles and giggles are becoming more and more frequent.

Not sure why Carson is sans clothing here. He's eating his hands, as usual.

Rather than purchase more size 2 diapers, we've decided to use up the size 3 and 4 diapers given to us by family before we move. He seems ok with it!
Video number one illustrates the reason for the Bumbo Chair recall. He hasn't fallen out, but he seems pretty close!
And video number two illustrates a unique bedtime story.
I was hoping someone else had already asked, but I'm going to have to admit that I can't recall where Rick served his mission. And when does he get to hear you speak Spanish? Hmmm? :)
Ben hates tummy time too. I read in a magazine that tummy time for babies is like doing push-ups for adults, so it makes since that they don't like it. BTW Ben watched the videos with me, and he was talking to and laughing with Carson as if he was in the room. So funny! :)
Page, I got your message about the tickets. My mom will leave them on the porch at our home under the rock that says Sullivan on it just outside the door. Inside the envelope are direction on where to go when at energy solutions place for the meal. The meal is any time from 5:30-7:00. I am for sure gonna be there and so are Kim and Jackie! It should be a blast! I'll see you there. If you need anything else my mom's number is 636-3063. See you tomorrow.
I'm so impressed with your schedule! You guys are missionary companions! Page, you know I've always been jealous of your ability to survive on little sleep. Although I know it's probably 90% willpower...
Carson is way cute. Way. Kate and I much enjoyed the bumbo video. Are you guys coming up at all for conference? Scott's family will be here but we'd love to see you before you head off to Singapore.
Hi Page- I'm Kirsten (formerly Downing) and served in Cambodia with Rick...anyway, just checking out your blog and seeing what "Elder Otto"s been up to - and you guys have a super cute baby! and great pics! feel free to check out my blog at: http://thedktrefflichs.blogspot.com
Lynn's and JenSwen's comments lend for some clarification... Cambodia! Before I meat Rick, I might have asked if that was in Africa, so you are certainly allowed to forget, or call it Singapore. :)
Haha - OOPS - I really did know it was Cambodia. Really. :)
Hooray for more posts! And it's totally not just grandparents that like seeing Carson:) One day I'll see him in person...
When do you guys head out to med school?
You write very well.
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