Friday, December 12, 2008

Decorating on a Budget

If I had my wish, I would turn our entire home into a winter wonderland. Oh, how I wish I could go crazy at several craft stores and purchase a few truckloads of Christmas decorations! This year, I excitedly pulled out my box of Christmas decorations, only to discover that the box was much smaller than I remembered. Every decoration I own fits on our mantle. So, I gave myself a 20 dollar budget to at least make the living room feel Christmas-y. Here's what we came up with:

A couple of borrowed miniature houses plus one yard of quilt batting (with the layers separated) makes a little winter village on our mantle! Our grapevine wreath was also given a Christmas make-over.

The only other purchases I made were a three-foot tree and a big roll of red ribbon. I basically tied bows and draped the ribbon on everything in sight. It's not my dreamy winter wonderland, but it does feel like Christmas!

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