Wednesday, April 18, 2012

an update.

Just found this picture that I snuck at library story time one day a while ago. (We haven't been in quite some time!) At the library, Faye prefers to wander rather than stay by her mother. She picks some unassuming other mom (or grandma), stops a few feet in front of the stranger, and backs up until she plops in her lap. Most people think it's cute, but I always have to watch for when I should grab her from some annoyed lady!

The kids are all coming to the 20 week ultrasound tomorrow. Tonight at dinner, everyone guessed girl except for Carson, who is certain it's a boy. When we asked Faye, she very clearly said, "gul!" We all laughed, so of course she kept repeating it to entertain. (She really only says a couple of words, so her declaration was quite a surprise.)

We are soooo enjoying Rick's two week break. He is done with school! I have been working a couple of hours a day and sometimes even sneaking afternoon naps in while Rick is in charge of the kids. It is so funny to see Faye choose him over me to hold her, and I laugh whenever the boys yell for him to come help them in the bathroom or from their beds. We have also been organizing like crazy, had a successful yard sale, filling up lots of trash bags, etc. Rick will take the boys camping this weekend to end a perfect break. We sure will miss that guy when he goes back to work!


Melissa S. said...

YAY!!!!! Can't wait to hear what you're having!!!!!

mackenzie said...

i love Faye girl!