Sunday, February 6, 2011

Faye's Birth Story.

I really, really did not want to be induced to have this baby. I am one of those believers in a woman's body knowing what to do as far as carrying and delivering a baby are concerned. But after the due date came and went, and after spending a day sick from taking castor oil and trying every other natural induction technique under the sun, everyone seemed to agree that it was time. So the date was set, and in we went to the hospital at 4 p.m. on January 26th. I felt pretty nervous the whole day. I've had two exciting, natural deliveries, and this whole business of showing up at the hospital and having my labor artificially started for me was still unsettling and disappointing to me.

Since I am GBS positive, it was important for me to receive an antibiotic for at least four hours prior to the delivery. (Neither of my baby boys were able to get the full dose of the antibiotic because those labors were too fast, which puts the baby at risk for pneumonia, meningitis, etc.) So, at about 6 p.m. I was started on the antibiotic and given the tiniest bit of pitocin. This made for a very boring four hours! Rick and I caught up on the latest episode of Biggest Loser and just enjoyed being together. At some point, Rick gave me a blessing, which helped calm me and reassured me that this was a good way for this baby to come to us.

At 11 p.m., it was time to get things started. Up until this point I had really only been feeling a few tiny contractions. My doctor came in and broke my water, and they turned up the pitocin a bit more. About a half hour later, the contractions started to become more intense. I was able to take the monitors off for a while and labor on the birthing ball, with Rick massaging my back during each contraction.

At some point I got back in the bed, just breathing through those intense contractions. I think the doctor checked me and I was dilated to a 6, and I knew that those last few centimeters could go pretty quickly. The contractions really intensified, and they turned down the pitocin, letting my body do the work now. As transition came, I just had to change positions again, and I jumped up on all fours on the bed. (Thank you, Rick, for not being embarrassed of me!) That position really helped me get through those last strong contractions. I stood up and hung on to Rick for maybe just one more contraction, and then the urge to push came suddenly, really just taking over my body and making me push.

The doctor suggested I avoid having the baby on the floor and get back into the bed. Rick was all suited up and ready to deliver the baby, so he moved down to the end of the bed, and I grabbed the nurse's hand and breathed with her as the pushing started. This was at about 1:30 a.m., and I was so exhausted and worried about having the energy to push this baby out. The nurses were great cheerleaders, and I loved being able to look up at Rick and push the baby towards him. It was like we were working together; I did my job, and he did his, and we both encouraged each other. (Ok, so my way of encouraging him was to angrily yell something like, "PULL IT OUT, RICK," but I think he can forgive me since I was in the middle of something pretty painful at that point.) Rick did a beautiful job delivering, no episiotomy or tearing, and the baby was placed on my chest. I was pretty emotional at this point and just so happy to finally have this baby in my arms. Then somebody said it was a girl, and if I said I was emotional and happy before, this brought things to a whole new level. I just couldn't stop crying and saying, "We have a girl!! I can't believe it's a girl!! Rick!! We have a girl!!" I'm pretty sure everyone else in the room was laughing at me, and I was just wrapped up in this moment of realizing that I will forever be the mother to a beautiful girl.

In the end, it was a perfect delivery. I am actually grateful that I was induced. Perhaps this little one needed those four hours of antibiotics, which I wouldn't have been able to get if I had had another fast delivery. I am grateful that my boys were being taken care of by Carrie, one of their favorite people in the world. I am grateful that my labor was during nurse Rhonda's shift. When she walked in the room and said, "now I want to make this experience exactly how you want it to be," I knew she was one-of-a-kind. I am grateful that I was induced in the afternoon, because Jamie and Meghan were able to make it to take some priceless photos. I am grateful that Dr. Namak was my doctor, and that she allowed Rick to deliver his daughter. I am actually grateful for the late-night delivery, because the exhaustion sort of forced me to relax and close my eyes between those intense contractions. This little girl was worth the wait, and the worry, and the pain, and now the sacrifices of comfort and sleep. She is just perfect, and I wouldn't have her any other way.


sam and brittney said...

I love Faye's birth story. Page, you are one brave girl. How neat to have Rick deliver your little girl. The pictures are beautiful! The one with you holding her and crying made me get teary eyed.

Emily said...

That is such a beautiful story, it made me cry... Congratulations to all of you, what a special memory and beautiful baby girl. Oh, and I love her name!

E J said...

Thanks for sharing this Page! I also LOVE the photo of you adoring Faye - priceless!

Sarah said...

Page...what a beautiful birth story! I was especially touched how you were able to see the blessings that came from being induced, even though you would have preferred differently. So glad that little Faye arrived safe and well! Congrats to you and Rick :0)

JenSwen said...

I cried at the picture of you with Faye too. Thanks for sharing the whole story. So happy for you!

Robyn said...

Those pictures are beautiful (and SO crisp and clear). She's adorable!