Thursday, November 6, 2008

burning questions

Are the (huge) size, (awkward) spacing, and (unattractive) crookedness of my baby's teeth any indicator of his future dental anatomy???
I'm a bit concerned.
I still get startled when Carson flashes a big smile. The sweet, toothless baby is no more. I miss the gummy smile, and the kisses that did not include painful bites.


It is 10:30 a.m., and I just changed big, full, stinky, poopy diaper number 3 of the day. Is this normal?? I've heard rumors of children that have poopy diapers only once a day, or even less frequently. Do they really exist??


What should I make for dinner??

The burning questions of this stay-at-home mom.


mag said...

dane had the same teeth problem too.. but now it is all better.. don't worry.. carson looks like a busy guy

Andrea said...

Chloe tambien tiene mucho espacio entre los dientes de arriba talves igual o mas que Carson, tambien e preguntado por eso a otras personas y dicen que es normal y que no me preocupe tanto porq no seran sus dientes definitivos...Y con respecto a los diapers, chloe puede ensuciar hasta 4 al dia aveces, otros solo una vez, creo q depende de lo que comieron o algo asi, no lo se, pero me siento mejor ahora al ver a Carson, porq mi bebe no es la unica con sus dientes separados y me hace ser que es normal...
Hey felicidades por tu nuevo bebe que viene en camino y espero q estes sintiendote mejor.
Un beso Page

Marge said...

those are excellent questions, you are like the best mother out there. I think a lot of kids have the BIG gap, Elizabeth still does. Hopefully they'll both grow out of it. The poop is normal too (somedays we have one, others we have 7, how is that possible?).

JenSwen said...

Kate's teeth were the same when they came in. The crookedness and spacing is better now that she has a full set, but her front teeth are still huge for baby teeth. People have told me that this is a good thing because when her adult teeth come in they're less likely to be overlapped and crowded. I try to look on the bright side. :)

Also, she's gone through phases where she poops multiple times a day - I'm pretty sure this is normal. I enjoyed reading the comment in Spanish.

Carly A said...

I thought the same thing about Avery's teeth but apparently it is quite normal... phew!

Anonymous said...

...please where can I buy a unicorn?