Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Frosty's Demise

We've had some near record-high temperatures here the last few days, and poor Frosty hasn't fared so well. The day after his life initiated, he started to lean a little to the right:
And then he leaned a little more:

And then Frosty showed us just how flexible he could be. Can anyone else lean all the way over with their head just inches from the ground?

Then poor Frosty surrendered to the 70 degree weather. Now he's just a pile of leaves.

We, however, have welcomed the spring-like weather with open arms. Yay for daily family walks, playing ball in the backyard, and our (super expensive) heater being turned off for a week now.


The Hills... said...

Wow, Frosty is pretty darn flexible.

P.S. Your house is so stinkin cute!

Salem said...

Cute pictures!!! I still can't get over how cute your house is!!! And Frosty must have just gotten his muscles and flexibility from you, Page. :)

Erika said...

Wow, that's amazing! I wish we could get some of that spring weather over this way!!! And yes, your house is adorable. I love older homes with character and that are unique.