Thursday, March 5, 2009

I can't wait

until 12:00 this afternoon. Rick's "doozy" of a test will finally be over, and then he will be mine, all mine, for 10 whole days!!!!! Thank you, Wake Forest, for a wonderfully long Spring Break. Now if only you could have planned that to go along with the baby's due date...

Latest report from the studier: he and his study buddies all agreed yesterday that the many hours spent studying for this test have actually made them "stupider." I guess trying to cram in the information about every virus, bacteria, fungi, and parasite isn't terribly stimulating. Those are our future doctors!

Latest report from the home-maker: I've got a list that fills up the front and half the back of a sheet of paper titled, "Projects for us to do together over Spring Break." We'll start with the reorganization of the linen closet... And, at the top of the list: lots of daddy time with Carson!


Lynnie said...

Hooray! I still have one more of those "killers" left, after taking one last night, I'm pretty sure I'll be ready to tackle a long list of NOTHING! I love your projects. I love you!

Sometime, can I come visit? I've never been to that part of the world, and it's only a few hours away. Too bad I'm not going to be done when you have the small one. BUT, I have long weekends all semester. Maybe we can work something out.

Salem said...

Don't you LOVE it??!!! Burke is on his "break" too. But he has boards in a few it isn't so much of a break. :) Have fun while it lasts!!!

davidandsuzi said...

I love the comment about them becoming "stupider"! I second that!

Barbaloot said...

I had a Special Olympics meeting tonight. It wasn't the same without you and Rick there.