Saturday, December 1, 2007


We are PROUD to announce that Richard Samuel James Otto has received his first acceptance to medical school!! The wonderfully large envelope arrived yesterday from Memphis, Tennessee, birthplace of Elvis and Justin Timberlake. Rick says that the University of Tennessee has a great teaching hospital and a world renowned children's hospital. I'm not totally sold on living in Memphis, especially after speaking with a couple of current students there who are also Tennessee natives with thick accents. One student kept telling us to watch out for all the "crumb" in Memphis. After several attempts to understand him, we finally figured out that he was warning us of the CRIME!
It's such a relief to know that he's been accepted! We may still receive more acceptances and then be able to choose where to go, but at least we know we won't have to go through the whole application process next year. Yay!!

"No, not Memphis, daddy!!"


Salem said...

Hooray, hooray!!!! Way to go, guys!!! Such a relieving feeling!! Although, I'm not sold on Memphis for you guys, either. :) It's too far from
Chicago. :) I'm sure there are more on the way...keep us posted! Congratulations!

JenSwen said...

Congrats again! I hope you guys get lots of choices too. Although if Rick gets accepted to the U and you guys don't come here, I might not speak to you for like, a month.

Salem said...